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 Jiao Ziwei,et al.Research progress of weed control technology of organic farming at home and abroad[J].Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences,2016,44(01):1-7.





Research progress of weed control technology of organic farming at home and abroad
焦子伟 张相锋 尚天翠 努尔买买提 吾尔恩
伊犁师范学院化学与生物科学学院,新疆伊宁 835000
Jiao Ziweiet al


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基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区优秀青年科技创新人才培养项目(编号:2014721002);伊犁师范学院院级项目 (编号:2013YLSYZD001)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-01-25