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 Sun Xieping,et al.Regulation of selenium on production of sweet cherry with high selenium and melatonin contents:a review[J].Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences,2023,51(4):146-152.





Regulation of selenium on production of sweet cherry with high selenium and melatonin contents:a review
孙协平1 钟美1 梁东2夏萍1冉卫军1杨沙1 田洁1 黄胡铃1 向宇慧1 寇琳羚3 罗友进4
1.长江师范学院现代农业与生物工程学院,重庆 408100;2.四川农业大学园艺学院,四川成都 411130;3.重庆市农业技术推广总站,重庆 401121;4.重庆市农业科学院,重庆 401329
Sun Xiepinget al


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-02-20