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 Zhang Rong,et al.Research progress on nutritional regulation of fatty acid composition in eggs[J].Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences,2019,47(21):67-71.





Research progress on nutritional regulation of fatty acid composition in eggs
张蓉1 尚以顺1 吴佳海1 牟琼1 陈光吉1 李小冬1 班宋智2 张靖3
1.贵州省农业科学院草业研究所,贵州贵阳 550006; 2.贵州省长顺县鼓扬联富绿壳蛋鸡养殖农民专业合作社,贵州长顺 550707;
3.贵州黄平农博翔有限责任公司,贵州黄平 556100
Zhang Ronget al


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-11-05